Amanda, 12, recommended that I read this book, and I asked her to write a review of it for my blog. She was very enthusistic about how great it was. Here is her review:
"I thought that Museum of Thieves by Lian Tanner was a great book. It was written well and the story was so different than any other book. It was about a girl who lived in a distopian land and she runs away and gets caught in this museum that only thieves can find their way through. And some people are trying to hurt the building so the book is about how they save this moving mystery building and save the town at the same time. I would recommend it to 11-12 year olds."
I have admit that it was fantastic and I was glad I took her advice. It is the first book in a trilogy and I have ordered the second one. Neither of us can wait until it arrives. I hope it is as good as the first. I am not going to add to Amanda's recommendation except to add these two quotes that I loved from the book:
"Listen to me carefully, child. I do not want to glorify theft. There are people in this world who think they are better than others, or deserve more. People who would rob their grandmother of her last coin and laugh as they did it. I have not time for such people. To move quietly, to be quick of hand and eye, that is a gift. If you use it to hurt others, even in a small way, you betray yourself and everyone around you......
But there are some things, child, that you should steal. That you must steal, if you have enough love and courage in your heart. You must snatch freedom from the hands of the tyrant. You must spirit away innocent lives before they are destroyed. You must hide secret and sacred places."
"The people of Jewel treat their children like delicate flowers. They think they will not survive without constant protection. But there are parts of the world where young boys and girls spend weeks at a time with no company except a herd of goats. They chase away wolves. They take care of themselves, and they take care of the herd......
"And so, when hard times come-as they always do in the end-those children are resourceful and brave. If they have to walk from one end of the country to the other, carrying their baby brothers and sisters, they will do it. If they have to hide during the day and travel at night to avoid soldiers, they will do it. They do not give up easily......
"Of course, I am not saying that it is a good thing to give children such heavy responsibilities. They must be allowed to have a childhood. But they must also be allowed to find their courage and their wisdom, and learn when to stand and when to run away. After all, if they are not permitted to climb the trees, how will they ever see the great and wonderful world that lies before them--"
That should leave you with something to think about. I think some great discussions could come from these ideas.
I am going to order this book right now.
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