Saturday, March 2, 2013

March Picture Books

First let me say, I'm not trying to be a liar.  It is March and I am only now posting about these books.  In my defense, one of our laptops broke this month and I have had the twins taking driver's education online besides the other usual computer use so the chances of me getting turn at the computer have been slim to none.  And I can't really blog from my phone, though I do check my mail and facebook from it.  They finished yesterday so hopefully the computer will be less in demand.

I am going to recommend books about St. Patrick's Day.  Having some Irish ancestry paired with the fact that by March 17th everyone is in need of some holiday cheer, means that this holiday has always been a fun break in our not-quite-spring routine.  After all, it is all just fun:  dressing in green, making crafts and food around Ireland and shamrocks, eating green food, and any excuse for a party anyway!

My favorite book about St. Patrick himself is Saint Patrick by Ann Tompert.  This children's book was based on a letter written by Saint Patrick in his old age and therefore is less myth than some books, although we don't really know a lot about the man his own words are used throughout the story.  Unfortunately I see that it is out of print and quite expensive.  A good substitute might be Patrick Patron Saint of Ireland by Tomie DaPaola.  
A fun collection that I found this year and am enjoying is called A Pot O' Gold: A Treasury of Irish Stories, Poetry, Folklore, and (of course) Blarney by Kathleen Krull.  If you don't have a lot of books about this holiday, this would be a fun one with a bit of everything.
And then, three picture books that I like, though there are several others that are fun, too. I love to read in my "Irish" accent to the children. I wouldn't let anyone else hear me, but it is fun for us.  Have a very happy St. Patrick's Day!

Fiona's Luck
by Teresa Bateman
A Fine St. Patrick's Day
by Susan Wojciechowski

O'Sullivan Stew
Hudson Talbot

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