Saturday, June 16, 2012

Here I am again

Yes, it has been two months since I have posted for a variety of reasons.  First of all, I read a string of really dumb books I didn't want to post about.  (I am planning a post on 'what not to read' soon, however.)  Then, I just got derailed for a while.  Although reading is a passion in my life and has been since I was old enough to hold a book, I do have periods of time that it is hard for me to get into anything.  They usually correspond to times when my mental energy is taken up by other activities, and that has been so the last while.  I am pulling out of this funk, though, and I have just begun the latest and last in the 'Inheritance Cycle' by Christopher Paolini called 'Inheritance'.  I'll let you know how that goes, but I have high hopes since I enjoyed the first three books of this series. 

As an aside, fantasy is a genre that is relatively new to me.  My oldest son loved fantasy books in high school and since I try to read as much of what my children read as I can, that meant treading into the world of fantasy.  I have to admit that I enjoy much of it.  (Another future post: my favorite fantasy books.)

I have also been reading to my children a lot.  Again, nothing new, but we are spending a significant amount of time living in our motor home, and so to keep everyone busy during the evenings I read for a couple of hours every night to everyone.  We finished 'There's an Owl in the Shower' by Jean Craighead George.  Now we are in the middle of 'The Janitor's Boy' by Andrew Clements.  Both of these are favorite authors.  Last night, 'The Indian in the Cupboard' by Lynne Reid Banks was brought up and neither Bethany nor Benjamin were familar with it, so it will definitely be on my list to read right away.  That is the fun of having such a wide age range of children:  I get to read my favorite books two or three times to different groups of children.  Alicia and I were reminiscing about reading this book when she and Adam and Todd were young and then going to the theater to see the movie.

Again, I am looking forward to posting again in the next couple of days about these subjects and some of the cool books my teens are reading.  They have been pursuing some interests that I think will be fun to write about.

Until then............................

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